In the matter of the Pension of JOHN R. PHELPS, deceased, of Hounsfield, Jefferson Co., NY:
MARY PHELPS of the Town of Hounsfield, being sworn: that she is the widow of JOHN R. PHELPS; that the said Phelps is the same person described as pensioner in the certificate which she designs to present for the inspection of the surrogate with this affidavit; that the said pensioner departed this life at said Town of Hounsfield on 18 July 1888 and she has not intermarried since his death. Deponent was married to the said soldier by Rev. Harvey Hersey at Watertown, NY on 30 September 1876. She further says that the signatures written on the voucher which she designs to present with the affidavit and which purport to be genuine are her genuine signatures. Said soldier's certificate is No. 275.687. /s/ Mrs. Mary Phelps
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of September 1884. Ross C. Scott, Surrogate
Jefferson Co., NY Estate Papers, Box P19-23/271.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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