In the matter of the estate of Joseph White of Brownville, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 16 December 1861, Margaret White of Brownville, petitioned to open probate.
Margaret White, widow of the deceased
Richard White
John White
William White
Henry White
Jane White
Margaret White
Catharine White, brothers and sisters of the deceased, who are supposed to be living somewhere in Ireland, but whose particular place of residence is unknown and cannot be determined.
Joseph White named his wife, Margaret White. He appointed Terrence Farmer as executor of the will.
Will dated 7 September 1861. /s/ Joseph White
Witnesses: John K. Adams of Brownville and Joseph X. Powers of Hounsfield and Terrence Farmer of Hounsfield.
Will proved 10 February 1862
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 8, p. 410.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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