In the matter of the estate of JOSIAH SUTS of Alexandria, Jefferson Co., NY:
On 24 February 1851, HARRY DILLIN of Alexandria filed his petition to open probate with PETER SUTS as executors.
Heirs/next of kin:
SARAH ANN SUTS, widow of the deceased, of full age
VELARIA SUTS, a daughter of the deceased and a minor with no general guardian.
ADAM P. SUTS, a legatee named in the will
JOSIAH SUTS named his wife, SARAH ANN SUTS. Named his daughter, VELARIA SUTS when 18 years. Named his father, ADAM P. SUTS. Bequest to his executors named to be held in trust for the American Board of Commissions for Foreign Missions. Appointed PETER SUTS and HARRY DILLEN as executors. Will dated 28 January 1851. /s/ Josiah X Suts (his mark)
Witnesses: JASON CLARK and PETER SUTS both of Plessis, Jefferson Co., NY
Will proved: 5 March 1861.
Jefferson Co., NY Wills, Vol. 1, p. 395.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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