Leander Steward Estate

In the matter of the estate of LEANDER STEWART of LeRay, Jeff. Co., NY: On 2 April 1856, ROENA STEWART of LeRay petitioned to open probate.

Heirs/next of kin:

ROENA S. STEWART, petitioner and widow of the deceased
COLETTE STEWART who resides with her mother, the petitioner, a minor.


LEANDER STEWART of LeRay named his wife, ROENA S. STEWART. He named his daughter, COLETTE H. STEWART. He left $1,000 in trust for his daughter and his wife was to take the duties of tuition and custody of the daughter, until age 21. He appointed his brother, JOHN STEWART and his brother-in-law, CHARLES D. HEBERT and wife, ROENA as executors of the will.
Will dated 15 March 1856. /s/ Leander Stewart
Wits: Lewis Jabas of LeRay and A. C. Beach of Watertown
Will proved: 2 April 1856.
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 4, p. 172.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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