Pamelia, Jefferson Co., NY

In the matter of the estate of MARGARET MACK of Pamelia, Jefferson Co., NY:

JOHN MACK, son of Margaret Mack, petitioned to open probate on the estate on 4 September 1858. He stated that Margaret Mack had deceased on 22 August 1858 and had left no will.

Heirs/next of kin:
JOHN MACK, petitioner and son of Margaret Mack
NANCY WEAVER both residents of Pamelia
MARTIN M. MACK of Illinois
SUSAN TUTTLE, a resident of Wisconsin
all of the above are the only children of the deceased and all of lawful age.

He further stated that Margaret Mack was a Revolutionary Pensioner at the rate of sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents per year and there is due said pensioner from the 4th March 1858 to the 22 day of August 1858.

Jefferson Co., NY, Estate Papers Box M1/1

NOTE: Margaret Mack's tombstone states she died 22 Aug. 1858, at 95 years and was the wife of JAMES D. MACK.

NOTE: James Mack, b 1760 Londonderry, Rockingham Co., New Hampshire; died October 1814 near Batavia, Genesee Co., NY returning home from the War of 1812. His spouse was Margaret Montgomery Mack, b 1763, d 1858.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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