Maryete White Estate

In the matter of the estate of Maryette White of Champion, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 3 January 1889, George H. Davis of LeRay, a creditor of the deceased, stated that she had departed this life on 1 October 1886 in Champion and left no will.

Sarah R. White of LeRay, mother of the deceased
Clark B. White of Philadelphia, a brother of the deceased
Sarah J. Lancto of Rutland, a sister of the deceased
Lewis A. White of Antwerp, a brother of the deceased
Nancy J. Hewitt of LeRay, a sister of the deceased and all of full age

A document in the file states that Guy E. White died in October 1875 and left a written will giving life use of property to his wife. The property consisted of a house and lot at Philadelphia and one at Felts Mills. She afterward exchanged these for a farm; the farm was the Robert Middleton farm and was from Louis Aldrich for $5,200. She mortgaged the farm for $350 in order to buy stock. Jeff. Co., NY Estate papers, Box W53-56 No. 667

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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