Orin L. McKee Estate

In the matter of the estate of Orin L. McKee of Adams, Jeff. Co., NY:
Oliver McKee of Adams, Jeff. Co. and A. Cooley of the same place, petitioned to open probate. Oliver McKee is the father of Orin L. McKee and A. E. Cooley is a creditor of the deceased. They stated that Orin L. McKee departed on the 10th day of November 1876 at Adams and had no will.
Petition dated 30 November 1874

The deceased left no child of him surviving but did leave a widow:
Emeline McKee, who is not a minor and resides at Adams Center, Jeff. Co., NY. She has renounced her right to administer the estate.
Jeff. Co., NY Estate Papers Box M 10-13 No. 193

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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