Orlando W. Cushman Will

In the matter of the estate of ORLANDO W. CUSHMAN of Lafargeville, in the Town of Orleans, Jeff. Co., NY:B On 10 April 1861, RUSSEL B. BIDDLECOME petitioned to open probate.

ROSETTE E. WEBB, wife of FREDERICK A. WEBB of Orleans, Jeff. Co.
LUCY ANN BRIGHT, wife of WILLIAM BRIGHT of Lockport, Niagara Co., NY
DORWIN E. CUSHMAN of Elk Rapids, Michigan
MARY HELEN GURNSEY, wife of HORACE W. GURNSEY of St. Joseph, Berrian Co., Michigan
MINERVA C. TAYLOR, wife of EDWIN A. TAYLOR of Bangor, Franklin Co., NY, all children of said deceased and all of full age.
ELECTA S. CUSHMAN of Orleans, of full age is the widow of the deceased.


Orlando named his wife, ELECTA E. Named his daughters: LUCINA ANN BRIGHT, wife of WILLIAM BRIGHT of Lockport, Niagara Co., NY; ROSETTE E. WEBB, wife of FREDERICK A. WEBB of the Town of Orleans; HELEN M. CUSHMAN of Orleans; MINERVA C. TAYLOR, wife of EDWIN TAYLOR of Clarendon, Vermont. Named his grandson, ORLANDO CUSHMAN, son of DARWIN E. CUSHMAN of Grand Traverse, Michigan, and his wife, AMANDA P., up to the year 1852 or thereabouts, of Theresa, Jeff. Co., NY. He appointed Russel B. Biddlecom of the Town of Orleans to be executor. Will dated 8 January 1856. /s/ Orlando W. Cushman
Witnesses: Hiram Dewey and David J. Dewey, both of Orleans, Jeff. Co., NY
Will proved: 21 August 1861
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 8, p. 338.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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