In the matter of the estate of PITT MORSE of Watertown, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 3 April 1860, WINSTON PATTRIDGE of Watertown, NY petitioned to open probate.
ELIHU MORSE of Northville, Wayne co., Michigan
WILLIAM MORSE of Nashua, New Hampshire, brothers of the deceased
children of LUCY HUNGERFORD, a deceased sister of Pitt Morse, deceased, both residing in Northville, Wayne Co., Michigan, and all of full age.
MARY S. MORSE of Watertown, Jeff. Co., of full age is the widow of the deceased.
PITT MORSE named his wife, MARY S. MORSE and mentioned she had her own estate owned by her. He requested the cost of a monument for himself to be taken out of the estate. He named his brother, ELIHU MORSE of Northville, Michigan. Named his brother Rev. WILLIAM MORSE of Nashua, New Hampshire. Named WILLIAM P. HUNGERFORD of Michigan, son of his sister, the late LUCY HUNGERFORD of Michigan. Named LYDIA, now wife of Mr. MOSHER of the state of Michigan, daughter of his sister, the late LUCY HUNGERFORD. He made a bequest to the Trustees of the Clinton Liberal Institute of Clinton, Oneida Co.; the St. Lawrence University of Canton, NY and the Theological Department of the St. Lawrence University. He appointed WINSLOW PATTRIDGE of Watertown as sole executor.
Will dated: 9 February 1860. /s/ Pitt Morse
Wits: G. C. Sherman and C. F. Gilbert both of Watertown, NY.
Will proved: 21 May 1860.
Jeff. Co. NY Wills, Vol. 7, p. 372.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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