In the matter of the estate of RILEY MILLS of Adams, Jefferson Co., NY: On 19 July 1854, LOUISA MILLS, HARRIET F. WILCOX and CLARK A. WILCOX, her husband of Adams, and LYMAN R. MILLS of Hounsfield petitioned to open probate.
LYMAN R. MILLS, of full age
GEORGE MILLS, a minor having no general guardian, of Hounsfield
HARRIET F. WILCOX, wife of CLARK A. WILCOX of Adams, of full age, children of testator.
LOUISA MILLS of Adams, of full age, widow of the testator.
RILEY MILLS made his will at age 56. He named his wife, LOUISA MILLS. Additional bequest in the estate of his brother, HARVEY MILLS, deceased. Named his sons, LYMAN MILLS and GEORGE MILLS, and his daughter, HARRIETT WILCOX. Mentioned C. A. WILCOX, husband of Harriet. He appointed his wife, LOUISA MILLS and ELEZER DEWEY as executrix and executor. Will dated 19 June 1854.
/s/ Riley Mills
Witnesses: Albert Rice and A. D. Hanley both of Adams, NY.
Will proved: 29 July 1854
Jefferson Co., NY Wills, Vol. 3, p. 157.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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