In the matter of the estate of SAMUEL DUBOIS of Orleans, Jeff. Co., NY: Petition to open brought by SARAH V. DUBOIS of Orleans, as the widow of the deceased. She stated that Samuel died there on the 19th of April last, and left personal real estate and had died without a will. The deceased left the following:
Heirs/next of kin:
WM. F. DUBOIS, of New York City
LEWIS B. DUBOIS of Orleans, NY
JOHN DUBOIS a minor of Orleans
ELENORA DUBOIS, a minor of Orleans
SARAH V. DUBOIS, widow of the deceased.
She asked the Probate Court to name her as administrator.
Petition dated 12 June 1846.
/s/ Sarah V. DuBoise
Jeff. Co. NY Estate Papers, Box D1-3, No. 34.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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