Samuel Nickles Estate

In the matter of the estate of Samuel Nickles, late of Rodman, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 12 May 1829 Arnold Stone and Henry Murray swore that they would honestly and impartially appraise the personal property of the deceased. The inventory was filed with the Probate Court on 14 May 1829 and the estate settled Feb. 11, 1833. Upon a request of Sam Nickles of Rodman, who stated that he was one of the heirs of the deceased, he informed the court that he was not yet 21 years of age. He asked that Wm. M. Winslow of Rodman should be appointed his guardian. Dated 31 Dec. 1831. Ruth and Robert Nickles acted as administrators for Wyley G. Nickles. Final payments made 11 Feb. 1833: Ruth Moody, Wylie Nickles and Sam Nickles, subject to final settlement of the estate.B Jeff. Co., NY Estate Papers Box N-2 No. 38

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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