In the matter of the estate of Thomas Henderson late of Watertown, Jeff. Co., NY:
Upon the petition of Betsey Henderson, widow of Thomas, she stated that in the year 1821, Thomas left Jefferson County with the avowed intention of going to Scotland. Further in the year 1823, she said Henderson was drowned at the Lea in arriving? from Scotland to the country. When Henderson went to Scotland it was his declared intention to return to the country again. That he went to Nassaitpence? Township in Scotland, relating to an estate which it was said fallen to him there.
Further about eight years ago the present writer saw and conversed with James Henderson, the brother of the deceased after he had come (from) Jessen? Scotland, who informed Petitioner that her said husband, Thomas, was dead. Your Petitioner further states that said Thomas Henderson died without making any last will and testament so far as she knows and believes.
That he died leaving your petitioner and two children by her, and petitioner, him surviving, viz: Mary Jane Hall, wife of Henry Dwight Hall and Thomas James Monroe Henderson, who is now a minor and under age 21. Petitioner further says that said deceased died leaving some bank stock in the Jefferson County Bank and other personal effects in the county which is not in the _____of your petitioner, about the amount of __thousand dollars; your petitioner therefore requests she may be granted to administer the estate of the deceased. Dated 29 Dec. 1839. /s/ Betsey Henderson
Jeff. Co., NY Estate Papers, Box H-13 No. 123
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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