In the matter of the estate of WILLARD IVES of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY:
Petition to open probate filed 15 June 1896 by Ross C. Scott, one of the executors of Watertown, NY.
LUCINA M. IVES, widow of Watertown
SOPHIA DIMMICK of Hounsfield, NY
RUFUS L. MAXON of Hounsfield
W. GILBERT SCOTT of Rockdell, MN
FRANCES S. KIEFER of Paris, France now at Rockdell, MN
LOREN SCOTT of Brookfield, Madison Co NY
W. ERWINE SCOTT of Bridgewater, Oneida Co NY
WILLARD SCOTT of Bridgewater
JULIA A. WEIDMAN of 282 State St, Albany, NY
EMILY TUCKERMAN of Cassville, Oneida Co., NY
EMILY FOOTE of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY
REUBEN HALL of Watertown, Jeff. Co.
JOEL HALL of Fields Settlement, Jeff. Co.
IRA HALL JR of 120 1/2 South Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal.
ELMER T. HALL of Greenville, Kentucky
LULU HALL of Greenville, KY
SAMUEL HALL of Galena, Kansas, Cherokee Co.
ELLA E. INGRAHAM of Adams Centre, NY
WINFIELD HALL of Eureka, California
MARY BLIVEN of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY
MARY E. WILCOX of Unadilla Forks, NY
HARRY L. BRIGGS of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY
GEORGE H. HALL of Unadilla Forks, NY
CHARLES S. HALL of Guthrie, Oklahoma Territory
FLORENCE MAE HOWES of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY
LEWIS G. IVES of Watertown, NY
FRED S. IVES of Watertown NY
TITUS IVES of Watertown/inmate of the Utica State Hospital at Utica, NY
JOTHAM S. WHITE of Frandau Dakota, Moody Co.
GARRETT L. WHITE of Shandon Cal, San Luis Obispo Co.
EMMA J. LORD of Adams Centre NY
JAU L. WHITE of 1323 S. St., Lincoln, Nebraska
EVA WHITE of Watertown, NY
JAY WHITE of Sackets Harbor, NY
JULIA J. PACK of Salt Lake City, Utah
LYDIA L. HORR Calpella Cal, Mendocino Co.
JULIA HALL of Hounsfield NY
FRANKLIN E. IVES of Hounsfield, NY
JULIA L. BARKER of Oppenheimer, Fulton Co., NY
CHLORE A. BARKER of St. Johnsville, Fulton Co., NY
VIOLA D. ADLE of Oneida, Madison Co., NY, each and all persons are cousins of Willard Ives.
WILLARD IVES named his wife, Lucy. The remainder of the estate under the WILLARD IVES FOUNDATION to:
The American Bible Society
The Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church
The Ives Seminary at Antwerp, NY
The Freedman's Aid Society of the ME Church
The Methodist Episcopal Hospital in Brooklyn, NY
The American University in Washington DC
The Union Missionary Training Institute
The Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church
He named his wife, LUCINA M. IVES and ROSS C. SCOTT as executors of his estate.
Will dated 17 October 1891. /s/ Willard Ives
Witnesses: JOHN R. PAWLING and HANNIBAL SMITH both of Watertown, NY
Changed the amounts bequeathed to various institutions.
Dated: 15 February 1896. /s/ Willard Ives
Witnesses: HANNIBAL SMITH and GEORGE SWITZER of Watertown, NY
Will proved: 30 July 1896.
Jefferson Co., NY Wills, Vol. 35, pp. 614-618.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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