In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM HAMMOND of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY:
On 18 June 1886, PHILO T. HAMMOND of Watertown, NY petitioned to open the estate as the son of the deceased.
Heirs/next of kin:
PHILO T. HAMMOND of Watertown, NY
EMELINE HAMMOND of Watertown, NY, daughter of the deceased.
MARY A. E. REXFORD of Watertown, NY, daughter of the deceased.
NANCY D. FULLER of Adams, NY, daughter of the deceased
WILLARD R. HAMMOND of Troy, Tensselaer Co, NY, son of the deceased
and all of full age.
WILLIAM HAMMOND named his son, PHILO T. Named his daughter, MARY ANN REXFORD Named his daughter, NANCY D. FULLER. Named his son, WILLARD R. HAMMOND. Named his children, GEORGE and EMELINE. Named his children: PHILO T., MARY ANN E., NANCY D. and WILLARD A. Named his sons, GEORGE HAMMOND, PHILO T. HAMMOND and WILLARD R. HAMMOND as executors. Will dated 29 January 1883. /s/ William Hammond.
Witnesses: GEORGE J. WILDER of Watertown, NY and A. E. COOLEY of Adams Centre, NY
Will proved: 19 July 1886.
Jefferson Co., NY Wills, Vol. 26, p. 49.
NOTE: This William Hammond was born about 1800; his wife was named Elizabeth.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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