William W. Goulding Estate

In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM W. GOULDING of Jefferson Co., NY:
On 18 January 1859, HENRY L. KNOWLES of Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY petitioned to open probate.

JAMES M. GOULDING, a brother of the deceased
ELMIRA SANFORD, a sister of the deceased and both reside in Potsdam, NY
HARRIET HALL, wife of WILLIAM S. HALL, who is a sister of the deceased and lives at Jersey City in the State of New Jersey
HENRY MOULD of Keeseville, NY, who lives with WILLIS MOULD, their father, and are the children of MARILLA MOULD, who was a sister of WILLIAM W. GOULDING, deceased, wife of WILLIS MOULD.
JAMES STRONG of Watertown
JOSEPH STRONG of Hausford, in the State of Mississippi, children of MELVINA STRONG, a sister of WILLIAM W. GOULDING, and wife of NELSON STRONG
HARRIET MOULD, HENRY MOULD, JAMES STRONG and JOSEPH STRONG are infants over 14 years of age. WILLIS MOULD is general guardian of HENRY, HARRIET and JOSEPH, and Rev. MATTOCKS of St. Paul, Minnesota is general guardian of JAMES STRONG and neither of the other of said heirs and next of kin is under 21 years of age.
MELVINEY and NELSON STRONG and MARVILLA MOULD died before the death of said WILLIAM W. GOULD and that neither of said minors has any other general guardian.
HELEN GOULDING of Watertown, of full age, is the widow of the said deceased.


WILLIAM W. GOULDING, late of Potsdam, now of Watertown, NY, mentioned his beloved wife but not by name. Mentioned but not by name the children of HENRY L. KNOWLES. Names his brother, JAMES M. GOULDING and his sisters: ELMINA SANFORD and HARRIETT HALL. Named CLARISSA, wife of THEODORE CLARK of Potsdam, and MRS. DELIA McBRIDE and her adopted child, MINNIE.
Will dated 13 January 1859.
Nominated his wife and HENRY L. KNOWLES, CHARLES W. LEET of Potsdam as executors.
/s/ W. W. Goulding Witnesses: Samuel B. Gordon and H. Watkins of Potsdam, NY
Will proved: 7 May 1859
Jeff. Co. NY Wills, Vol. 6, p. 395.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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