William Roemain Osborn Estate

In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM R. OSBORN of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY:
On 29 October 1858, MARY ELIZA OSBORN of the Town of Greece, in the County of Monroe, petitioned to open probate.

CORNELIUS OSBORNE, father of the deceased, residing in the Town of Greece
No children or widow surviving.


Named his nephews: THOMAS CHARLES HAVILL, JR.; WILLIAM HAYDEN OSBORN GEORGE LEWIS OSBORN; named his sister, MARY ELIZA OSBORN of Greece. Named her executor of his estate.
Will dated 6 October 1858. /s/ William Roemain Osborn
Witnesses: Henry Galentine and Jacob R. Doty both of Greece, Monroe Co., NY
Will proved: 8 December 1858
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 6, p. 172.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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