Filed in Watertown NY

I, William G. Comstock of the town of Leray in the County of Jefferson and State of NY...declare this to be my last will and testament in the manner an form following, to wit:

First: I will and direct that all my just and legal debts bepaid...

Second: I give and bequeath to my wife JANE all my household goods, bedsteads, beds bedding and other furniture now in my dwelling house

Third: I give and bequeath to my said wife JANE the sum of one thousand dollars out of my personal property

Fourth: I give device and bequeath unto my said wife JANE my present dwelling house and lot of land which I now occupy and where I now reside in the village of Evans Mills in the said town of Leray, together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging

Fifth: I give device and bequeath to my said wife JANE a certain lot of land situated in said town of Leray near my dwelling house known as the sugar Bush Lot and containing seven or eight acres more or less and I also devise to my said wife the small piece of land adjoining the said Sugar Bush Lot being the same I bought of LEONARD R. HINES and known as the Hines Lot

Sixth: I give and bequeath to my sisters ELECTA wife of DAN SHEPARD, POLLY, widow of BENJAMIN SLADE and ASENATH, wife of MR. DEMELL, the sum of fifty dollars each to buy suitable mourning clothes

Seventh: I give and bequeath to my wife JANE the sume of two hundred and fifty dollars in trust for the heirs of my brother THOMAS, deceased, to be apportioned to them by my said wife in such manner and in such proportion to all or to any of the said heirs as she shall see fit and provided also she shall think proper to pay the said two hundred fifty dollars or any portion of said sum the application of which as above stated shall be entirely at her option...

Eighth: I give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and my children to be divided between them share and share alike.

Ninth: I do hereby dispose of the custody and tuition of my children to my said wife JANE until they respectively arrive to the age of twenty-one years, and it is my will that the portion of my daughter shall be held in trust for her by my said wife and that said portion shall not be paid to her in case she marries against her mother's will, which portion in that case will be divided equally between my other children

Tenth: I do will and declare that the devises and bequeaths hereinbefore made to my wife JANE are by me meant and intended to be ...satisfaction of all and every claim and demand of dower and thirds...

Lastly: I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife JANE and CHARLES G. HARGER of said county of Jefferson, executors of this my last will and testament hereby revokina all and every former wills and will by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the second day of June in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. W.G. Comstock L.S.

Witness: JOSEPH BOYER of Leray Jefferson Co NY
R. WEAVER of Leray Jefferson Co NY

NOTE: Dr. William G. Comstock deceased 3 June 1851 at 42 years, buried in Evans M.O. Cemetery
Born in Norway, Herkimer Co, NY October 1809; parents moved to Salisbury in that county. Dr. William G. Comstock was married to JANE MUNSON of Salisbury, who was a cousin of DR. ISAAC MUNSON of Watertown, NY.

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