Page 545
Be it Remembered, That heretofore, to wit: on the 13th day of December
in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred, and eighty Seven Lay Fayette Caulkins
of Lorraine Jefferson County New York. one of the
Executors named in the Last Will and Testament-----------------------------of Peter Houghtaling
late of the ________Town of _____Worth_______in the County of Jefferson, deceased, appeared in
open Court before the Surrogate of the County of Jefferson and made application to have the said last Will and Testament
_____________________________________which relates to both Real and Personal Estate, proved; and on such
application the said Surrogate did ascertain by satisfactory evidence who were the ___widow__ heirs at law and
next of kin of the said testator, and their respective residences, and they are as follows, viz:
Lovina Houghtaling of Worth aforesaid widow of said testator-
and Rebecca
Flint of Rodman-
David Houghtaling-
Felix Houghtaling-
Charles Houghtaling-
Anna Marin and
George Houghtaling all of Worth, Jeff County, Children of said testator-
George J. Houghtaling and James H. Houghtaling of Newaygo
Newaygo County Michigan Children of Oliver Houghtaling
a deceased son of said testator-
all of said above named persons are of full age.
and said Surrogate did thereupon issue a citation in due form of law, directed to the said heirs at law and next of kin of said testator by their respective names and requiring them to appear before said Surrogate at his office in the City of Watertown, in said County, on the _____14th____day of February A.D.1887 to attend the Probate of said Will
and afterwards, to wit: on the 14th of February A.D. 1887 satisfactory evidence by affidavit was produced and presented to said Surrogate, of the due service of said citation in the mode prescribed by law, and on that day, no one appearing to oppose the probate of such Will_______________such proceedings were thereupon had in said Court afterwards, that the said Surrogate took the proofs of said will ________________________hereinafter set forth, upon the ___14th ____day of February A.D., 1887 and he thereupon adjudged the said Will_ ___________________________ to be a valid Will_____________________of Real and Personal Estate, and the proofs thereof to be sufficient, which said Last Will and Testament_________________________________ and proofs, are hereinafter recorded in this book.
Ross C. Scott Surrogate.
Page 546
Peter Houghtaling Estate
In the Name of God Amen:
I Peter Houghtaling of the
Town of Worth County of Jefferson & State of N.Y. Being
of sound mind and memory do make publish & declare
this My last Will and Testament in Manner follow
ing that is to say-
I give devise and Bequeath unto my wife Lovina
Houghtaling All of my Real and Personal Estate
and all the property of which I am possessed or of
which I die seized of every kind and of every
name & nature and the whole thereof- excepting
however the sums of money hereinafter Bequeathed to
the following persons to wit-
I give and Bequeath to my son Oliver Houghtaling the
sum of One Dollar. To my daughter Rebecca Flint
the sum of One Dollar also to my son David
Houghtaling the sum of One Dollar, And also give
& devise to my Son Tyler Houghtaling the sum of
One Dollar and to my daughter Nancy Holliday
the sum of One Dollar also to my son Charles
Houghtaling the sum of One Dollar..and to my
daughter Susan Marvin the sum of One Dollar
and lastly to my Son George Houghtaling the
sum of One Dollar..
All the rest & residue of my estate both Real & personal of every kind name & nature I give to my wife Lovina Houghtaling as aforesaid I appoint Layfaette Calkins Executor of this my last will and Testament- and in case of his inability or of his Death to take said Trust In that event do appoint George A. Fox Executors of this my said last will and Testament
And I do further empower and appoint my
said Executor or Executors who administer upon
my said Estate and it is my will that they- he or they
shall sell at Public or private Sale said Real
estate whereof I am possessed at the best advantage
as soon as may be after my decease to purchaser
or purchasers for cash and the avails of such Sale
the whole thereof to be paid as directed in this my
last will & Testament And do so appoint and Empow- er for such purpose my said Executor or Executors and empower them to Execute & deliver to such purchaser or purchasers of said Real estate their Instruments or Deeds of such Real Estate and to give a Perfect Title to such purchaser or purchasers on such sale the same that I would have if Living I herebyRevoke and annul any Will or Wills heretofore executed by me In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 19th day of April (1869) A.D. One thousand Eight hundred and sixty nine
witness Peter Houghtaling SS
Erwin F. Ramsdell of Adams Jefferson Co. N. Y.
Schuyler Lewis of Adams Jefferson Co. N. Y.
Subscribed by Peter Houghtaling named in the
foregoing Will in our presence and at the time
of making such subscription declared by the Testator
to be his last will and testament and each of us
sign his name as a witness at the end of the
will at the request of the testator and in his
Erwin F. Ramsdell of Adams Jeff Co N.Y.
Schuyler Lewis of Adams Jeff Co. N. Y.
State of New York
Before ROSS C. SCOTT, Surrogate. in the matter of proving the will of the real and personal estate of Peter
Houghtaling_______________, deceased.
County of Jefferson, ss.
Erwin F. Ramsdell of the town of Adams________in said County, being first duly
sworn, deposeth and saith that on the 19h day of April 1869, at Adams aforesaid he
saw Peter Houghtaling deceased, subscribe the instrument now shown to this deponent and which pur-
ports to be the last Will and Testament of Peter Houghtaling late of the town of Worth
in said County, deceased, bearing date the 19th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and Sixty nine . That on the day of the date aforesaid, and at the time of signing the same,
he heard the said Peter Houghtaling declare the same to be his last Will and Testament,
and that he, this deponent, and Schuyler Lewis__, the other subscribing witness, did then subscribe
their names thereto as witnesses, at the request and in the presence of the said Peter Houghtaling
and of each other; that at the time thereof, the said Peter Houghtaling was of sound and disposing mind,
memory and understanding, of full age, and not under any restraint, and competent to make a Will.
Sworn this 14th day of
February 1887 Erwin F. Ramsdell
Ross C. Scott
State of New York
Before ROSS C. SCOTT, Surrogate. in the matter of proving the will of the real and personal estate of Peter
Houghtaling_______________, deceased.
County of Jefferson, ss.
Richard H. Huntington of the town of Adams________in said County, being first
duly sworn, deposeth and saith that he has been well acquainted with Schuyler Lewis
late of the Town of Adams aforesaid but now deceased
and is well acquainted with his manner and style of handwriting, having often seen him write, and that he verily believes that the
signature " Schuyler Lewis " signed as a witness to the instrument
in writing now produced and shown to this deponent bearing date the 19th day of April 1869,
purporting to be said last Will and Testament of Peter Houghtaling deceased, is the true and genuine hand-
writing and signature of the said Schuyler Lewis and that the said Schuyler
Lewis is now deceased
and is not now within the jurisdiction of the State of New York.
Sworn this 14th day of
February 1887 R. H. Huntington
Ross C. Scott
Jefferson County, ss.
It appearing upon the proofs duly taken in respect to the last Will and Testament________
of Peter Houghtaling _______late of the Town of Worth________
in the said County of Jefferson and State of New York, deceased, that the said Will was duly executed, and that the said
Peter Houghtaling _____ at the time he executed the same, was in all respects competent
to devise real estate, and not under restraint, the said last Will and Testament_________________
and the proofs and examinations are hereby recorded, signed, and certified by me, pursuant of the Provisions of the Revised
Statutes, this 14th day of February A.D. 1887
Ross C. Scott---------Surrogate.
Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by
Vera Mae Rudd-Young
Jefferson County, NY -23-26-545
Houghtaling, Peter, Town of Worth
First draft transcribed from probated will
February 11, 2006
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