Probate of the Last Will and Testament
Ocena B. Risley late of Gouverneur deceased


Be It Remembered, That heretofore, to wit: on the 9th day of December A.D., 1913 Archie E. Risley executer named in the Last Will and testament, of Ocena B. Risley late of Gouverneur the County of St. Lawrence, deceased, applied to the Surrogate of the County of St Lawrence to have the said Last Will and Testament which relates to both real and personal estate, proved and recorded" and upon such application the said Surrogate did ascertain by satisfactory evidence, who were the heirs at law and next of kin of said deceased testator, and their respective residences, viz:
Ida E. Baker.sister, Nessie Baker. niece,
Agnes C. Baker. niece,
Inez B. Baker, niece,
Starcey Pelrie. nephew, Hailesboro, NY
Phalina Eckert. niece,
Lena Knight. niece, LaJunyeville, NY,
Susan Keller, niece Cape Vincent, NY,
Lenan Reiben, brother, 40 Riverside Flats, Watertown, NY,
Mary V. Hall, daughter, 10 North Meadow St. Watertown, NY,
Walter Garner, nephew, Adaino, NY ,
James Garner, nephew, Philadelphia, NY,
Claude H. Hall, nephew, Pamelia, NY,
Lollie M. Levis, sister,
Edgar Hart, nephew, Cora Hart, niece, residence unknown
Elton Risley, husband, Gouverneur, NY
and said surrogate did thereupon issue a citation in due form of law, directed to the heirs at law and next of kin by their respective names, stating their places of residence in the village of Gouverneur in said county, on the 23rd day of February A.D., 1914, to attend the probate of said Will and afterwards to wit: on the 23rd day of February A.D., 1914 at Gouverneur aforesaid, satisfactory evidence having been presented to the said Surrogate of the service of said citation in the mode prescribed by law on all the persons to whom said citation was directed: and Arthur T. Johnson, Attorney, having been duly appointed and appearing is special guardian for Agnes, C. Baker no one appearing to oppose the probate of said Will the said Surrogate took the proofs of said Will herein set forth, and did thereupon adjudge said Will to be valid Will of real and personal estate, and the proofs thereof to be sufficient, and that the said Will and the proofs thereof be recorded; which said Last Will and Testament and the proofs taken thereon are as follows, that is to say


In the Matter of Proving the Last Will and Testament of Ocena B. Risley deceased

St. Lawrence County, SS.

Edward H. Neasy and Emily B. Johnston being first duly sworn in open court, doth depose and say that they are subscribing witnesses to the Last Will and Testament of Ocena B. Risley late of Gouverneur in the county of St. Lawrence and State of New York, deceased, And deponents do further say that the said Ocena B. Risley deceased, did, in the presence of each of deponents subscribe her name at the end of the instrument in writing, which is now here shown, and which purports to be the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased, and which bears date the 6th day of September A.D., 1913 That the said deceased did at the time of so subscribing her name to said instrument, declare the same to be her Last Will and Testament and deponents did thereupon subscribe their own respective names to said instrument as attesting witnesses to the execution thereof, each at the request of said deceased, and in her presence and in the presence of each other, that the said deceased was at the time, upwards of twenty-one years of age, and was a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the County of St. Lawrence; that she appeared to be, and deponents believe she was of sound mind, memory and understanding, and not under any restraint; and as deponents verily believe, in all respects competent to devise real estate.
Subscribed and sworn to
Before me this 23rd day of February 1914
Alric R. Herriman, Surrogate
E. H. Neasy
Emily B Johnston

St. Lawrence County, SS.

It appearing from the proofs duly taken, in respect to the Last Will and Testament of Ocena B. Risley late of Gouverneur in the County of St. Lawrence and State of New York, deceased; that the said Will was duly executed and that the said Ocena B. Risley at the time she executed the same, was in all respects competent to devise real estate, and not under restraint, the said Last Will and Testament and the proofs and examinations are hereby Recorded, Signed and Certified by me, pursuant to the provisions of the code of Civil Procedure, this 23rd day of February A.D., 1914
Alrich Herriman Surrogate.

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