The Last Will and Testament of
Vol B Page 46 of pp's 43-48 FHL 0895389
I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Clarissa the use and benefit of my estate both real and personal until my son Alford be come twenty one years of age with exception of an heirship right I own in my fathers estate in Rodman and which I will and bequeath unto my son Cyrus W Taylor with the injun tion where Tolbey Keys will perform all ob ligations on or resting on me to fulfill with respect to the settling of such estate in which said heir ship lies. To my son Gilbert C Taylor I will twenty five Dollars and also an amount I have against him of Seventy five Dollars.
On my son Alford arriving to twenty one years of age I will to my wife Clarissa all my house hold furniture and one third part of my real Estate during her life the residue to be equally divided between my daughters: Fanny, Marie, Olive, Lucy, and my son Alford Zena.
At the de cease of my beloved wife Clarissa I will whatever she leaves of property kind be equally divided between the Heirs last above mentioned. Thereby appoint Hi ram H Taylor & Cyrus W Taylor administrators of this my last will and testament. I thereby revoke all former wills by me made. In certainty where of I here unto set my hand and seal this 10th day of October 1840
Gilbert Taylor (LS)
Signed and sealed & published
And declared in presence of
sign as witnesses
Am Harger
Daniel Harter
State of New York County of Jefferson go
I John Clark Surrogate of the county of Jefferson do certify that in pursuance of and conformity With the Statutes of this state in such case made on Fifth day of November 1840 - that said service was made By delivering to each of said person a copy of said cita- tion and by showing to each of them at the same time The original citation - and decree to law that said per- Sons constituted all the heirs at law and next of kin of the said testators and that their names and places of residence were truly and correctly stated in said petition and as above mentioned ---- and the said witnesses appearing and is cause being sworn to the contrary that said court proceeded to hear this proof and allegations of said executors as the prem ises and - the said Abram M Harger and said Daniel Harter the said salutary witnesses of said will were duly sworn testimony.Return to Jefferson County NYGenWeb page
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