Jefferson County, NY Pioneers



1. WILLIAM YORK lived in the Town of Brownville when his son CHARLES was born in 1848.

BETSY, WILLIAM and their son CHARLES were enumerated in the Town of Raymond, Racine County, Wisconsin for the 1850 Federal Census. WILLIAM died c1893.

He married Sept. 7, 1847

BETSY BROWN, daughter of JOSEPH and DILLA BROWN, b 14 Jan 1827 in Watertown. They had seven children.

Two years after her marriage she and her husband came to Minnesota, settling in Winona, later moving to St. Charles and later to Fillmore county. Her life thru these years since she came to this state have been like that of multitudes who came to the territory which afterward came to be Minnesota. She shared in the labors and privations of the pioneer.

Mrs. York united with the Methodist Episcopal church in the year 1876, and has kept her faith thru the trials, sorrows and hardships of the years. She gave earnest expression to her hope and faith in Christ but a short time before her death.

She died Jan. 18th, 1912 aged 85 years and 4 days. The funeral was held from the Methodist church on Saturday. Rev. C.E. Mead officiating.

Children, 3 known:

2    i    CHARLES YORK, 10 Jun 1848

3   ii    ADELIA YORK, m (---) STEWART of Fillmore

4  iii    OLIVE YORK, m (---) HUGHES of Stewartville

For further information, contact: Peter Sjoberg

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